Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hello. My name is Mary Kate and this is my blog: Twelve Months of the World! Nice to meet you!

Hello Everyone. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mary Kate Smyser. I am a nineteen-year-old college student from Pennsylvania. I attend Temple University in North Philadelphia. I am a Media Studies and Production major with minors in Political Science and Computer Science. Music, foreign cultures, and social justice are my passions. I love messing around with recording my own music and producing little videos. I plan on developing my YouTube channel as I develop this blog.

You’ll easily find out what else I love as I post things on this blog. I am going to try to stick to a schedule where I talk about the music, food, and culture of a featured country each month. I will be addressing political agendas and humanitarian works in the country too. I will write summaries and descriptions of each country, post photographs of their food, supply links to YouTube videos of their musicians, and supply links to related humanitarian organizations. I will begin these weekly posts in January of 2014 and will be releasing theses posts on Sundays. I have supplied a Google calendar in my blog so that you can see what is coming!

Bear with me the first few months as I get in the swing of things as I am starting a new semester and I am not sure exactly what my workload will be. I also may not be able to actually make all the food I discuss about each country because I do not have a kitchen at school this year. If I happen to be home, I will make the food and post photos. If not I will do my best to find a restaurant where I can try the food.

In addition to posting every Sunday, I will write my responses to the world’s occurrences as various news stories come about. I will use this blog to voice my opinions, but I will try my best to not offend anyone. I will try to be as politically correct as possible, but for anyone who knows me, I can be very opinionated and blunt. I want this to be a forum where people can discuss and respond to my posts and feel open to share their opinions. All I ask is you to be as respectful of others’ opinions as I am and please do not start fights. One issue that is extremely important to me is verbal abuse and violence and I will not tolerate that at all.

Since I am a student and may miss important news from time to time, especially during midterms and finals, so please feel free to comment about stories that you would like others and me to look into! I probably will not be able to write about all of them because my time will be limited, but I should have time to skim an article or two!

Well, I guess that I’ve rambled on enough now. If you’ve read this far, THANKS!! This is the only way that I can think of to combine all of my interests into one forum. I know this post was pretty boring, but I hope you come back and stick with me! Together we will explore the countries of the world, focusing on their current events, culture, and more. Let me know if you have any suggestions at all!

1 comment:

  1. My vote for your poll was "other" and if I could have filled in a blank I would have said "education," since I feel that education is one of, if not the most, effective way of solving the other humanitarian issues
